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Routines of Successful Students - Abbie Wood, SLP

Abbie Wood serves as a speech language pathologist at Spring Valley School. Abbie obtained her bachelor's degree in Communicative Disorders and Master of Science degree in Speech Language Pathology at the University of Alabama. In 2015, Abbie moved to Birmingham, and was a speech language pathologist for Leeds City Schools for the past eight years.

Abbie is in her first year teaching at Spring Valley, where she enjoys being able to empower children with the ability to communicate, learn, grow and build relationships with others.


Dropping your children off at school feeling calm, healthy, happy, and prepared sets you and your children up for a successful day. For children, preparing to have a successful day on their own can be overwhelming and difficult. As parents, there are things we can do to help our children leave each morning feeling confident to tackle the day.

Knowing what lies ahead helps us feel prepared and more confident to embark on the week. To help with this, end your weekend by talking about the plans for the upcoming week. Discuss upcoming events, tests, projects, extracurricular activities, and meal plans. In addition to planning the week ahead on Sunday, do as much the night before school, each night, as possible to ensure the morning is not rushed and chaotic.

Mornings are hard! It can be tough to get everyone up, moving, fed, and out the door. That said, the more you can prepare beforehand, the better.

After school each day, set aside time to go through your children’s agendas, check their school emails and grades with them, sign necessary papers, and ensure they complete required homework. Talk about their school day, asking open ended questions to show your interest.

Help them organize and pack their backpack as soon as they have completed their homework so you are not scrambling to find things and pack up the next morning.

Next, plan lunch for the following day. If you plan to pack a lunch, go ahead and put anything that does not have to be refrigerated in the lunchbox the night before.

Lastly, help your children pick out their outfits before going to bed. In the morning, your children can get dressed in the planned outfit, eat breakfast, grab their backpack that is already packed, and head out the door.

Stick to a daily routine that works for you and your children to help the evenings after school and the mornings before school run as smoothly as possible. There is no better feeling than dropping your children off, knowing you set them up for success.

Abbie Wood

Speech Language Pathologist

Spring Valley School


The mission of Spring Valley School (Birmingham, AL) is to provide excellence in education for bright students with learning differences.

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