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Guidance Counseling

Dean of Students

Rebeccah Carroll

School Social Workers Rebeccah Carroll and Brenna Vincent collaborate with SVS teachers and administrators to give our full support to each of our students personally and socially. The SVS Leadership Team and Administration is available and ready to respond as our students have various needs. Our team is committed and passionate about offering assistance to our SVS students and families. Access our School Counseling Resource Library here.

Speech Language Pathology 

Speech therapists work with children with language impairments to aid them in following directions, comprehending vocabulary, practicing articulation and growing in their ability to tell a story in an organized way.  Students with learning differences can particularly benefit from working with an speech language pathologist in the areas of reading, social skills, and executive functioning.


SVS Speech Language Pathologist Lauren Day works closely with our students on topics including learning how to set goals, and then organizing tasks and reducing distractions to achieve those goals. Strengthening core skills such as task initiation â€‹and peer-to-peer interactions will aid our avid learners not only in the classroom, but throughout their future fields of work. 


Lauren Day

Speech Language Pathologist

College Preparation

With the ever-changing and increasingly competitive world of college admissions, Spring Valley School recognizes the importance of equipping students with the knowledge and tools they need to be successful in their studies post-high school.


The college prep program offers individual and group meetings, visits with college representatives, SAT and ACT advice and assistance with applications, interviews, and scholarships. College Prep Instructor Sandra Foster values identifying students' strengths, serving as a resource to parents, and ultimately assisting students in selecting a college that will allow them to reach their educational and career goals.


Many 11th-12th grade students have the opportunity to earn college credit through Spring Valley's Dual Enrollment program in partnership with Landmark College. 21 students are currently enrolled in the Dual Enrollment program, including 5 juniors potentially earning 12 college credits by graduation. In addition to earning college credit, the range of course offerings allow students to select courses that fit their unique needs and interests. They can choose courses that count as core classes (e.g., Humanities I), they can explore fields in which they would like to major (Intro to Business; Intro to Programming), they can take classes that will further prepare them for college and life (Composition & Rhetoric; Personal Finance), or they can explore a subject they simply love (Creative Writing).


These courses place high demands on executive function and time-management skills (e.g. submitting multiple assignments a week; self-paced studying; scheduling and keeping appointments with professors). The benefit of the Landmark courses is that the students have a professor and a course advisor (at SVS) who can support them with the transition and any potential challenges. This support leads to greater success (and learning) and improves the students' confidence for future courses and college life itself. Students become comfortable with using Canvas, one of the most commonly used course platforms. Even if their future college uses a different platform, they'll be better equipped to engage with the platform. Students also learn how to engage with professors (and peers) in a professional manner. They learn soft skills such as writing professional emails and learning how to self-advocate when they need help. ​

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Jocelyn Burrill

Dual Enrollment

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Sandra Foster

College Prep

College Readiness at Spring Valley School.png
Select the image above to view College Readiness Virtual Guidebook,
according to each academic year at SVS.

From Spring Valley to . . .

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